Monday, November 16, 2015

7 Ways to Relax During Finals Week

You're Stressed? Not Anymore!

As all of us college kids know, finals are looming over our heads. For me, finals are a semi-stressful time. Between work and school sometimes there isn't time to eat or sleep trying to get all those projects and papers completed to their fullest potential! So, you ask, how can you relax at a time like this?! Well you make time. Schedule "you-time" the week before as well as the week of finals. It doesn't need to be a lot of time, but enough to really put your feet up and not have to worry about what struggles loom ahead.

Said no one ever . . .
1. Snuggle up on that warm couch with a hot chocolate and catch up on a few episodes of your favorite TV show or movie you've missed due to slaving away at homework all semester. Your DVR will love you for it. Most times I'll watch one or two episodes, depending on the backlog, before I come back to reality and study again.
Nom . . .

2. Go out for a drink with your friends. The best way to unwind is to be with people who are reciprocating the same stress you are! Since they're going through what you're going through, it makes it that much easier to let loose and enjoy a night out!

Pssst . . . This is what you're supposed to be drinking. 21+ please!
3. Take a nap. I know, I know. There's no time for naps, well if you can make time for TV and you can make time for drinks, you can most definitely make time for a teeny, tiny, and very much needed recharge. All that studying takes a mental and physical toll on us students. So snooze away my hardworking friends!
Do as dog does.

4. Play with your dog. Most everyone has a dog that's been neglected while you are slaving away your days at work and school. Take your dog outside and play with him! Dogs are happy all the time. This will make you happy all the time! And your dog will love you again for all the attention.
My dog, Henry, brings me water bottles as entertainment.

5. Read a new book. No, not your school textbook. Something awesome, like your favorite Harry Potter book, or Gone Girl, or maybe you like reading sad books like The Fault in our Stars, then you're a glutton for punishment. Take you're pick. There's so many adventures to get lost in!

Harry Potter binge . . .

 6. Make a schedule. I like highlighters, some people prefer boxes next to tasks so they can put a check mark next to their activities once completed. Either way, knowing what you need to get done before it's due is easily the best way to make sure you're not rushing at the last minute to get the paper you put off all semester done. Just saying.

It's perfect!
7. Bake! Make your favorite cookie, cake, bread, anything delicious. The cookie dough is the best part... I mean, I guess you should cook some of it... Or not... Your call. Reap the benefits of your cooking skills. Homemade or the highway!

Look at these cookies. LOOK AT THEM! Delicious.
We both know there are many other ways to de-stress during finals. Pick your favorite thing to do and just do it! In the end, it benefits you, right?!


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