So you're looking to find a new way to integrate a new social media into your business. You may be thinking that this is "silly" and "a waste of time" and "how many things can I possibly do to promote my business?!". Well, Laura Wallis, a web navigator and online marketing consultant, knows a few ways to integrate Instagram into your business easy as pie! Wallis has over 15 years of experience in marketing and her goal is to help her private clients reach their goals for their dream business and life. If you want to read more about her, visit her
website! Lets take a look at what she has to say about Instagram.
1. Create a strong bio section.
- You want to make your username part of your brand
- Make sure you're using the same image across every single one of your social media platforms
- Your followers like to be able to easily access your other social media channels
- Don't post "cross-content" (A Twitter post to Facebook, it doesn't work)
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2. Use a mix of images.
- You're going to want to put a face to your business
- Consumers like to buy from people, not businesses
- Don't be afraid to show people who you are!
3. Filter your pictures.
- Photos add personality to the mix
- There are A LOT of features on Instagram, you don't have to use them all at once.
4. Use fun hashtags!
- Examples:
- #throwbackthurdsay
- #flashbackfriday
- #mancrushmonday
- #womancrushwednesday
- Remember you are a business, and you can still use industry related hashtags to reach out to other business that are related to your industry! A little competition never hurt anyone!
5. Curiosities of social media.
- If your going to be on social media, you need to stay social, or people are going to lose interest!
- If you aren't tracking your analytics, you should be!
- Once you have you analytics, make sure to post when people are lookin'!
Mix these five things together and BAM! You've successfully integrated Instagram into your business. Where will you go next?